Category: Art

So I Have Been Busy!

It’s been tough for me as an Autistic Black woman living in Boston calling herself Uncommon Bostonian. I have been trying all summer to find a new place in the state of Massachusetts, but to quote U2 I still haven’t found what I’m looking for. It sucks to start the Fall still staying at a place that I wish I hadn’t moved into (It’s an okay place, but this is not the apartment of my dreams).

It’s tough to work at a place that don’t appreciate my greater talents. They criticize me about my lesser talents (I don’t give a shit about what I am not good about).

Being organized is a challenge for any autistic person whether they are a child or a grown up. I hate it that some parents of autistics refer to their offspring as “adult child,” even though he/she is older than 21 years old. It’s time for society to change the definition of what “grown up” is.

I plan to type more in this blog soon as I come up with a schedule of when it’s a good time to write in this blog and my other one (Uncommon Bostonian).

Expect changes to the blogs.

Enjoy the art I made recently.

New Look for My Blog!

Last night, I spent over an hour putting up a new look for this blog! It’s gorgeous!

I am going to be putting in new posts besides the usual birthdays/obituaries! Here’s a taste of what’s to come!



13 Years Ago…

Happy 13th Birthday, Outside In!

This blog started 13 years ago.  What a long trip it’s been! Still at it after all this time!

True that I don’t post as often of late, but that’s because I sometimes get busy offline with my art and other personal stuff that I don’t have time to get to this blog.

Last week, I had to deal with a heatwave, the 4th of July celebration, work, going to the movies (Head and Ant-Man and The Wasp), and attending to a comic book convention out in Boxborough, Massachusetts.  It was a tough drive because I am not familiar with that part of the state.

I am busy on what changes I want to make in my life and for this blog and the other blog called Uncommon Bostonian.  I also wonder about where I want to go with my art.

Also, last month, my cousin Chloe rom Texas visited me here in Boston and we went to see U2 at the Boston Garden.  I am a big fan of them as well as my cousin.  I am planning to see more concerts this month and next month.  I am heading off to Old Orchard Beach up in Maine next month for my summer vacation.


This is my new piece of art.  Haven’t come up with a name for it yet.

Now, let’s move into year 13 for this blog.

Sucks That I Have A Cold!

What happened to Spring?  It’s been too cold and snowy around Boston.  It hasn’t gotten really warm in such a long time.  Worse of all, I got a cold.

I don’t enjoy getting a cold because it makes things for me harder to do.  It’s hard to enjoy going through the day when my nose is stuffed up and I’m coughing.  At least, I don’t feel feverish.  My throat feels a bit sore.

Earlier this afternoon, I was driving my car when I sneezed and coughed like crazy.  Luckily, I didn’t get into any accidents while doing that.

I was able to do a few things today like going to a reception earlier this evening at the John O. and Olivia Parker Gallery at Lesley University where my friend, Anastasia, has her artwork on display this month.

Details here:

The art display started on March 21 and will end on April 20.

I had a good time at the reception.  I had some red wine and cheese.  Also, the band there played a lot of Beatles music.

Busy Summer Keeping Me From Blogging

Here I am today at the WordCamp Boston 2016 (#WCBOS) gathering at Boston University. I just blogged about the passing of legendary television/movie producer Garry Marshall in the previous post while eating my lunch at this event.

I have been going to an art class on Tuesday nights which started back on June 14. I am having a good time at it, but it’s very exhausting because I go from work directly to the class in Cambridge. The last class is on August 2.

I’ve been working on a special project for the last few months. I don’t want to go into detail yet here about what it is until I have something set in stone about when I can promote it. That’s been keeping me from blogging.

Also, I have gotten sick twice since the summer has started which is not good.

On top of that, I bought a new microwave oven. The old one was very old and slowly dying on me. You wouldn’t believe how old it was. I actually bought it at Lechmere’s department store a long time ago.

We’re having a heatwave in Boston, as well as the rest of the country. Who wants to sit over a hot computer?

Uforge Gallery’s New Exhibit: Identity

My new painting called “Where My Mind is at Now – June 23, 2014” will be appearing at UFORGE Gallery’s July exhibit, “Identity”. Please, check it out.

Here’s some info:


7/10 – 8/4/14: Show Opens/Closes

7/10/14: Public Reception, 6-8pm

UFORGE Gallery is a fine art gallery and creative space that provides non-juried group exhibits displaying artwork from artists at all levels in their career. My artwork along with many others will be on view beginning Thursday, July 10 through Sunday, August 4, 2014. The gallery is open Thursday and Friday from 5-8pm and Saturday and Sunday from 12pm-6pm. A public reception will be held on Thursday, April 10, from 6-8pm. If you are in the area, please consider stopping by and viewing my work.

AANE Artist Collaborative on Film!

Last Fall, the AANE Artist Collaborative (I’m a member of this group) took part of the Watertown Open Studios. A short film was made during that weekend. I show up talking about one of my paintings called The Wild Side (In Memory of Lou Reed).

Check out our Website:

Damn! It’s Been A Busy Week for This Aspie!

I haven’t had the chance to do any posts on my two blogs at all because I got busy with so many other things. At other times, I felt tired and sick (thanks to PMS). Also, I feel frustrated that I can’t make any simple changes to my life except for adopting cats like Rogue and Destiny.

Last Saturday, I went to the Star Trek convention at the Hynes Convention Center in Boston. What a zoo that was! At least, I got to see a bunch of my favorite Star Trek celebs!

Sunday, I was very exhausted from the convention I went to. However, AANE was having their grand opening of their art gallery which featured 3 of my paintings. I got good reviews for my artworks, but nothing of mine sold. 😦

Monday, I had work and felt tired. That night, I still felt very tired.

Tuesday night after work, I went over to the Kendall Square Theatre in Cambridge through a heavy downpour of rain to see the 48 Hour project film festival. I had a great time there watching 7 minute films that were made in one weekend in May. Someone I know in the Boston Media Makers had her film in the contest, and her film won a few awards.

Wednesday, I went to see my social worker who I started see last fall in hopes that he can help me make changes in my life and career. So far, no changes have happened. Then, I went to the store.

Thursday, I went to the OB/GYN office at Beth Israel Hospital for a consultation and to schedule a second biopsy on my uterus because I have been experiencing irregular bleeding. I was there almost all day because the OB/GYN doctor I was seeing wouldn’t schedule the second biopsy until she could examine my vagina (the previous OB/GYN doctor had examined it at least 3 times already and did the first biopsy which didn’t get enough tissue). The exam rooms were all busy that morning. After 1:15 in the afternoon, she finally saw my vagina for 5 minutes and then scheduled the 2nd biopsy for next Wednesday.

I missed a day at work (no big deal because I don’t like my job, but it does give me health benefits). Thursday night, I went over to the Brattle and saw DJango Unchained. Great movie!

Sure wish I had some free time to blog more.